I have never managed to spend much time in Melbourne, so I spent the first two days as a real "tourist"...
there were so many bikes...
tall buildings, both old & new.
Thanks to both Cycling Tips, and Pro-Motion Bikes (in Ormond)... as they made finding a good fast bunch ride in Melbourne so much easier!
And to finish the friday ride, I was also greeted by the swans of Albert Park. :)
Brighton and St Kilda in Melbourne, I found is oddly enough not that different from Brighton and Sandgate in Brisbane... both seaside areas that cyclists inhabit in the early mornings.
only 1 week earlier, I had been advised that I was fortunate enough to get a start in the women's Herald Sun Cycling Classic. What an experience it was.
Thanks also to Jarrod Partridge for some of these racing photos.
And I now have a bidon that I will never wash...
A short trip back to Melbourne via Geelong, and then suddenly I was home again. Almost like a daydream. And it was a pretty cool daydream at that. (And thanks for the company Nikki!)