... like a mountain goat!
So after 6+ months of training, the big "test" will come this weekend at Balmoral Club's Metropolitan Road Champs.
For the first time in many years, we will have over ten girls on the start line for Women's A. Historically the "Metro's" race (as it is affectionately known) at Mt Alford has been a very tough race of attrition; often with less than half a dozen girls showing up. In previous editions of this race, we have often been combined with the Masters A men to make a larger field, which leads to an incredibly daunting and demanding race.
With my thyroid condition finally all sorted, there will be no excuses! Random muscle cramps will be another issue to contend with, but hopefully the weather will be cool (or even cold), and the previous weeks of salt and magnesium loading (thanks Rob R, Rob D, and nutritionist Angie for the suggestion of SaltStick capsules) will avoid any problems there (at least it wasn't Addison's after all). Even more encouraging will be the fact that we have almost our entire team racing (with Jane, Claire, Maddi, Jemma and myself). And as Craig B often reminds me, we just gotta chew some more bar tape!
Good fast legs this weekend Nat... AND since when do you have to re-learn climbing!! ;-) Pfttt....climb on little goat! BTW I just lurve the picture of the chewy kid....awww.
Miff ;-)
Thanks Miff, but unfortunately the cramps were back again!
But I now have another dozen "hints" on how to stop cramps... ranging from more stretching, and even longer warm-ups, to tonic water (quinine), beta-alanine (carnosine), coQ10, more salt, less salt, more Mg, valium (!!!), sodium bicarb, and/or Na citrate. One of these solutions will work... :) Thanks for your confidence that I can still climb!
Nat, Don't know bout the cramp thing.... love the advice!!! Valium, I took to *relax* my shoulder for physio....and well, yes, thats what it did for me reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelaax! Don't use it for your pistons! You're a smidge (as in small) of a cyclist, and last I knew of you, you galloped up hills....I'm sure you're still smidge and gallop like. Maybe, MAYBE, you need to roll.......your MTB.....;-) Miff
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