Monday, July 26, 2010

Scenic Rim Tour 2010

So I got to be a spectator for the weekend... and in the spirit of Miff's blog, I attempted to take some 'artsy' photos with my less-than-adequate-camera...

as well as some racing ones...

but to be honest, the best part of the weekend was catching up with lots of friends! 

Thanks to all of you who helped make my weekend enjoyable...

and took the time to chat with me even though you were all very much needing to concentrate on the task at hand... your own races! 

And I just had to get a photo of that crazy stray Roadvale cat!...
As well as the rusty bike with the pot plant growing in it, out the front of a typical 'Old Queenslander' house...

All in all, just a super weekend. :)


Anonymous said...

Ah Nat! Now YOU bring a smile to my face! Thanks for your hugs and smiles over the weekend..... thats whats its all about! On or off the bike...on or off Single Track.....just doing and being with a smile....! You wear it well. You do ártsy' mighty fine I might add. ';-) PS I also liked your cap saavy! ;-X

Groover said...

Second that! Awesome weekend. BTW: saw the black cat cross the road from left to right, too. Wonder if that caused all the mechanicals! I'm not superstitious or anything ... LOL

nat said...
